Directed by Michael Mohan, the horror film "Immaculate" follows the story of young American nun Cecilia (Sydney Sweeney), who has just moved to a prestigious convent located in a picturesque rural area of Italy. Despite being warmly welcomed by the sisters and nuns, the devout American soon notices strange occurrences that make her question the safety of her new home, which harbors dark and terrible secrets. Gradually, the young nun's suspicions are confirmed when she mysteriously wakes up pregnant. Cecilia now not only carries a child but also faces a series of eerie and suspicious situations, tormented by malevolent forces as she confronts the secrets and horrors of the convent. Amid terrifying visions and inexplicable events, she tries to unravel the origin of her condition and the true nature of the convent. The religious experience is about to turn into a nightmare. Is Cecilia's pregnancy a blessing or a curse?